
The stars are falling

They were shiny

Up high in the sky


Now they are landing

more like crashing

Through galaxies

Losing bits and bits of their body


Floating away in outer space

They reached to planet earth

lonely on the crowded streets

in between buildings

scattered and no longer together

far away from each other


dust and mud

possibilities to be anything

adjusting is a must

at least that’s what they believe in


with the wind and water

they start to grow taller

alone but stronger

shaped as humans

yet among the creatures

they are all still strangers

awkward and bewildered

by every existence


adjusting is a must

but they are still slightly lost

their glow has disappeared

nothing to guide them in the dark

no one to admire them at nights


yet one day out on the streets

At places most mysterious

Or perhaps occasions known most commonly

Two stardusts meet

They are no longer wrecked pieces

This time they are full of stories

From falling to landing

From missing to establishing

From glowing to dimming

From subsiding to realizing


Two stardusts meet

No longer wrecked pieces

Now full of stories

Tall and strong already

Ready to admire the other

Ready to glow together



Author: WARMtaipei

WARM is a weekly meeting where women with similar states of mental health can come and share their stories, talk about what they are going through. We provide a safe, warm, and nonjudgmental environment where you can be supported and know that you are not alone. We welcome ladies from all backgrounds and walks of life to be a part of our growing network of support! __________________________________________________________________ WARM是一個每週一次的會議,可以讓有相似心理健康狀況的女性來分享她們的故事,談談她們正在經歷的事情。我們提供一個安全,溫暖和非判斷性質的環境,您可以得到支持,並知道您並不孤單。我們歡迎來自不同背景和各行各業的女士成為我們日益增長的支持網絡的一部分!

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